NR/Splash build
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Build summary Taking a normal cookie cutter NR build and whipping it into a fine, sexxxxy looking beast with a splash of fireeeeee for flavooorr!!
Recommended starting class(es) Temple knight
Recommended Soul Level 125-130

Recommended stats (Leave at default (**) if not raised)

Vitality 60
Will/Intelligence 14
Endurance 40
Strength 20
Dexterity 14
Magic 35
Faith 16
Luck 7
Recommended equipment

Males: Old King Dorannnnnnn!!!! Hayeahhhhh!
Females: binding, ohllahaaalllaaseesooonnnnn!!!

Shields: DSS +5, Knights for parryi.
Alternative; Surgeon General's warning. Please read only if you are a noob(not meaning one that wants to use skill, but those who lack and need some extra lovign on the HP side baby babe-Otherwise, this is hazardous to your health.
Adjudicator's shield +5:)

Prime example as to a great setup with this build: the Four slots:

Left Hand Slots:
Shields: DSS +5, Knights for parryi.
Alternative; Surgeon General's warning. Please read only if you are a noob(not meaning one that wants to use skill, but those who lack and need some extra lovign on the HP side baby babe-Otherwise, this is hazardous to your health.
Adjudicator's shield +5:)

*Alternative to shields: IF daring, parry dagger. Good against curved swords, and even more daredevilish, parrying the annoying original DUEL Kattttaannnnaaaaasssssssssss.

Left hand slot 2: Catalysts : Can use either the Insanity C(however, would not recommend due to small teeenny MP. Use wooden catalyst. While IC has more power, being in soul form as invader, stacked with Kris blade, Mr. torpedo head if that's yoru kind of style, and foe's ring will gvie you an increase in magic power. Wooden catalyst is than worth it if in soul form equipped with the FOE"S ring.

Right hand one and righ thand 2:
Main weapon: You've got the powerful NR also known as Northern Regalia
Secondary weapon: Defniitely IMO should have the Kris Blade +5 equipped for that extra extra extra flavor in damage(magic). Clouds are like so done with, like everyone will shove Dark moon grass over your troll you know what. So don't use baby's nail.
Fire weapons such as a nice and slice Dragon's Knight's Sword has pretty decent damage but more importantly in combo with the slow NR, is fast. Good in switching up NR, dragon wep, NR, back to Draong wep,etc..
Again, I would go with Kris blade instead but, who am I to judge??

Recommended spells/miracles

Miracles; the only one you should have equipped and always use is Second Chance.
No excuses, P_ss poor if you choose not to invest the stats which is 16 in order to cast.
If you do not have 16 in faith, you will have to unfortunately waste a ring slot by substiting foe's with boring ring of sincere prayer. That also defeats the entire purpose of build.
Do yourself a favor. Go with 16 in faith, and avoid having to use a ring that has no purpose except give you an extra faith slot ou would have with 16…I won't go on, you know my feelings on this:)

Spells: Fireball, or Ignite. either one. That' s it. Clear and concise. Do not ponder using any other spell with this build. HSA you get lucky against inexperienced players 2/10 times if even.
With experienced players I'd say -10 out of 10 times meaning probabiltiy below 0% that you even come close remotely to landing that hit. LOL< you get luck in hitting someone with HSA even moreso all five arrows, it's your lucky day. No,I'll even tell you it's like you won the lotttery. that's how tough it is to use a deadly spell if it connects but terribly terribly tough to do so at this stage of Demon's Souls and the amount of great players there are.

Gameplay tips and progression

This is a very strong NR buld as a SL 125 invader toon.
Not only does having PBCT along with foe's ring incresae the already devastating damage of the NR, but the ring adds soem extra flaaavoorrr to the fireball. Add on top kris blade, with a wooden catalyst due to lack of MP(can use Insanity if you want but do not need to when using foe's!) and you have one killing machine.
For those tornado headers out there, while I don't personally recommend using it due to peripheral vision issues when placed on that big ol head of yours, LOL it does stack with the other tools I mentioned.
Very simple build. Use NR two handed, no buff necessary, switching from melee to the dangerous Fireball, (ignite as alternative) Great stunlock combined with power from the NR is quite a fun build to use.
It has turned a normal, and IMO quite boring use of a NR build into a magical ecstasty version of splash and sexyyyy…oK, OFF TOPIC:) Sorry;)Simple put; Let your sooooooulllll gllllowwwwwwwwww, yeahhhhh!!! haha, this baby while simply put together, is quite a unique flavor to add into the meta game of DS PVPinjg.
Howeve,r unlike other builds I've created, this one's for ya invaders!
SL 125 perfecto PVP 4-1 SL range.
Start off building vit, and endurance.
Once you are comfortable using fire weapons in NA, try defeating Old King Dorannnnnn, once you get the key from Ostrava.(For those who do not know what I'm talking about, that's part of understanding the initial toughness of getting around in DS, hehhee.
For those who do understand, get the Demondbrandt, defeat last boss…andd…..DO NOT continue to NG+!!! Evacuate or use Shard Archstone, to get to the Nexus, than to good old Baldwin bro in Stonefang(not the odd strange fella in the Nexus:)
Get the NR yeah baby yeahh!! Go back to where you beat old boss, finish up the ending, blah blah, and the excitement starts now.
Before you did start NG+ I'm sure you gathered all necessary weapons/tools equipment to use with the NR correct? That include decent magic, kris blade +5 and Insanity catalyst, wooden catalyst, silver(Insanity strongest, than Wooden, than Silver. Becaue your faith is not at 18 or above, the TOB will not work hence do not bother using it unless wanting to caste warding.
If you have not gotten Pure black character tendency by now, do IT!!! when you invade, as a red, you get your strength and courrrage from being the opposite of the good fellas,
HOWEVER, on a more seriouis note, plesae do not take what I just said out of context. Just because you are on the dark side, as ironic as this sounds, doesn't give anyone the right to destroy the game and experience of other playes.
Whiel I do not control your actions, I am speaking from my heart. Please, do not jump, rush hosts. even if they are with two blues it doesn't mean they will bumbrush you.
If they do, it's all game baby babe. I however, prefer good old classic duels from the jumper stealth kind ya know what I'm saying playbosy and playgirls?
For those tornado headers out there, while I don't personally recommend using it due to peripheral vision issues when placed on that big ol head of yours, LOL it does stack with the other tools I mentioned.
Always, I am open to anyone's comments. However, I am feeling very lonely that none of my builds are ever looked at. That's something that is unfortuante because they're all pretty much designed out of love for the game of DS and trying to add some unique creative builds that really have not been used.


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