…… That about sums it up.
wow…. it looks like he was literally being raped there. It was kinda sad watching his little overburdened rolls in a desperate attempt at escape. Just terrible. :(
If it were me, I would've hit quit game and invade else where.
"What is love? Baby don't hurt me no more"
Removed by the user. :( Here is another vid ^_^
What is love?
lol ok i gotta say it
That was awesome. Thats good stuff there
Wrong yes. But just awesome that they figured it all out so it works so well.
I mean come on push lock, stun lock, firestorm glitch yada yada and this is considered wrong??
Just another exploit that someone figured out and is using. So in the near future it will probably be accepted just like everything else is.
That was the craziest rapage I've ever seen. I've got to give props to the Black for not yanking and taking it like a man. Seriously, that was probably the worst situation I've ever seen a player in. It was almost painful to watch knowing how much they were f'in up their character.
I dont accept firestorm glitch or cable yankers.
I also dont accept this very well but its the BP fault anyone with decent skill would avoid that kind of situation.