
General Information

Hoplites are all that's left of Long-Bow Oolan's proud legion of warriors. These abherrations now only serve to protect Phalanx, the demon that took the role of their former leader.

The body being fused with the shield, they possess a formidable defense against all the attacks coming from the front, while their backs are completely vulnerable.



World 1-1
HP Souls Normal Def. Slash Def. Blunt Def. Pierce Def. Magic Def. Fire Def. Poison Res. Plague Res. Bleed Res.
81 35 86 86 129 86 82 77 75 150 150
World 1-2
HP Souls Normal Def. Slash Def. Blunt Def. Pierce Def. Magic Def. Fire Def. Poison Res. Plague Res. Bleed Res.
85 42 86 86 129 86 82 77 75 150 150


World 1-1 World 1-2
Shard of Hardstone x1 (2,7%) Shard of Hardstone x2 (3%)
Shard of Sharpstone x1 (2,7%) Shard of Hardstone x1 (7%)
Shard of Sharpstone x2 (3%)
Shard of Sharpstone x1 (7%)
Large Hardstone Shard x1 (1,8%)
Large Sharpstone Shard x1 (1,8%)

Attack Patterns

  • Melee thrusting attack. Breaks guards of low hit res shields. Will hit the player even if standing at the side or back of the spear.
  • Spear throw. Very good tracking, thus requires rolling, sprinting or shield block to avoid.


These enemies are the ones from 1-1 Phalanx demon boss. They have a shield on their front-side, and a long spear which they either thrust or throw, depending on range. IF it's possible to hit their backside via rolling or circling, they are a quick kill. If they're in a tight corridor however, hacking away, hacking away + turpentine, or firebombs all work quite well. From the front they will obviously take less damage; their attacks are capable of being blocked, so always raise that shield when near! If you start your player off as the Royalty class, then you'll have a much easier time killing these guys. Just spam Soul Arrow at them until they're dead.


  • According to the game files, Hoplites were supposed to appear in World 1-4 too.
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